• About Me

    I have been creative, purely for the pleasure of creativity over the years. I am inundated with ideas for creative projects. I am only just understanding the creative process. During the project I am working on, usually I will be deeply unhappy with how the project is progressing and it is not until I push through this uncomfortable stage that something happens and it starts working again. I have only just come to terms with this. (about time I guess!) It doesn't happen every time but it does happen.

    I like to paint abstract things, painting the unseen, using vibrant colours. I believe every thing contains energy and I hope that my work is an expression of me and my energy.

    I completed an art course many moons ago and have had spurts of creativity, a solo exhibition, group exhibitions and exhibited work here and there. My main focus are my two beautiful children who are home schooled, but I am finding time amongst the void of no time to complete some artwork that I am passionate about.

    I hope you enjoy my work....